Political Parties

In conformity with conditions set forth in the law, every Turkish citizen upon the age of 18 has the right to vote, to be elected, and to engage in political activities independently or in a political party, and to take part in referendums.

Privates and corporals serving in the armed services, students in military schools, and convicts in penal institutions cannot vote.

Elections in Turkey are single stage. According to a proportional representation system, general, equal and secret ballot elections are held throughout the country on the same day under judicial administration and supervision. The related law outlines the requirements for Turkish citizens living abroad to vote. The voter casts his vote in full freedom. The counting, recording and detailed presentation of votes are done publicly. Every province is an election area and every alderman's office is an election precinct.

Under Turkey's election law, parties obtaining 10 percent of the votes throughout the country in general elections earn the right to take seats Parliament.

Citizens over 18 years of age have the right to form political parties, and to join and withdraw from them in accordance with established procedure.

Judges and prosecutors, members of higher judicial organs, teaching staff at institutions of higher education, members of the Council of Higher Education, civil servants in public organizations and corporations, and other public employees not regarded as workers on account of the duties they perform, students, and members of the Armed Forces, shall not become members of political parties.

Prior permission to form a political party is not required. Parties are allowed to function freely in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and related laws which state that the internal workings and decisions of political parties must conform to democratic precepts.

A political party consists of its central organs, provincial and country organizations and the party group in Parliament. All political parties must establish headquarters in Ankara. In order to establish a political party, the signatures of at least 30 Turkish citizens, eligible for election to Parliament, are required. The highest authority within the political party is its general council. The central organization consists of the general council, the leader of the party, the central decisionmaking and executive boards, the disciplinary board and its caucus.


Financial Structures and Auditing of Political Parties

The revenue resources of the political parties are the membership dues, donations of corporate or legal bodies within the limits specified in the Political Parties Law, and state aid set forth in the same code. Donations of real estate, movable assets, cash or the granting of privileges and rights to political parties by public institutions and agencies as well as local administrations are prohibited.

Furthermore, political parties receiving donations or assistance from foreign states, international organizations, foreigners, and associations, groups or institutions in foreign countries are dissolved permanently.

The Constitutional Court has the duty and authority to audit the finances of the political parties. The Court carries out this duty within the framework of the Political Parties Law and the verdicts it delivers are final.

Active political parties which took part in the 2009 local elections:

Democratic Left Party
(Demokratik Sol Parti) (DSP)
Founded on: November 14, 1985
Chair: Masum Türker
Address: Maresal Fevzi Çakmak Cad. No. 17 Ankara
Phone: (0312) 212-4950

Nationalist Movement Party
(Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi) (MHP)
Founded on: February 9, 1969
Chair: Devlet Bahçeli
Address: Ceyhun Atýf Kansu Cad. No. 128 Balgat, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 472-5555

Democrat Party
(Demokrat Parti) (DP)
Founded on: July 23, 1983
Chair: Hüsamettin Cindoruk
Address: Akay Cad. No. 16 Kýzýlay, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 416-8600

Felicity Party
(Saadet Partisi) (SP)
Founded on: July 27, 2001
Acting Chair: Numan Kurtulmus
Address: Ziyabey Cad. 2. Sok. No. 15 Balgat, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 284-8800

Justice and Development Party
(Adalet ve Kalkýnma Partisi) (AK Party)
Chair: Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Address: Sögütözü Cad. No. 6 Sögütözü, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 204-5000

Republican People's Party
(Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi) (CHP)
Founded on: September 9, 1923
Chair: Kemal Kýlýçdaroglu
Address: Anadolu Bulv. No. 12 Sögütözü, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 207-4000

Grand Union Party
(Büyük Birlik Partisi) (BBP)
Founded on: January 29, 1993
Chair: Yalçýn Topçu
Address: Tuna Cad. No. 28 Yeniehir, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 434-0920 -27

Freedom and Solidarity Party
(Özgürlük ve Dayanýsma Partisi) (ÖDP)
Founded on: January 21, 1996
Chair: Alper Tas
Address: GMK Bulv. No. 87/18 Maltepe, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 231 7232-2312 -33

Halkýn Yükselisi Partisi
(Rise of the People Party) (HYP)
Founded on: January 7, 1997
Chair: Ragýp Önder Günay
Address: Filistin Sok. No. 30 G.O.P
Phone: (312) 448-0621

Liberal Democratic Party
(Liberal Demokrat Parti) (LDP)
Founded on: July 26, 1994
Chair: Cem Toker
Address: G.M.K. Bulvarý No. 47/14 Maltepe, Ankara
Phone: (312) 229-1503

Nation Party
(Millet Partisi) (MP)
Founded on: November 22, 1992
Chair: Aykut Edibali
Address: Atatürk Bulvarý No. 73/37-38 Kýzýlay, Ankara
Phone: (312) 419-4060

Worker's Party
(sçi Partisi) (P)
Founded on: March 2, 1992
Chair: Dogu Perinçek
Address: Toros Sok. No. 9 Sýhhiye, Ankara
Phone: (312) 231-8111

Labor Party
(Emek Partisi) (EMEK)
Founded on: November 26, 1996
Chair: Abdullah Levent Tüzel
Address: Fevzi Çakmak Cad. 1. Sok. No. 15/5 Kýzýlay, Ankara.
Phone: (312) 232-4197

Turkish Communist Party
(Türkiye Komünist Partisi)
Founded on: November 11, 2001
Chair: Erkan Bas
Address: Caferaga Mah. Mühürdar Cad. Dumlupýnar Sok. Esrin shaný No. 27 Kat: 2
Kýzýlay, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 414-6504

Hak ve Özgürlükler Partisi
(Rights and Freedoms Party) (HÖP)
Founded on: February 11, 2002
Chair: Bayram Bozyel
Address: Saglýk 2 Sok. 56/10 Kýzýlay, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 434-3501

Barýs ve Demokrasi Partisi
(Peace and Democracy Party) (BDP)
Founded on: May 2, 2008
Chair: Selahattin Demirtas
Address: Barýs Manço Cad. No. 1388 Sok. No. 37 Balgat, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 220-1950

Bagýmsýz Türkiye Partisi
(Independent Turkey Party) (BTP)
Founded on: September 25, 2001
Chair: Haydar Bas
Address: Bestekâr Sok. No. 45 K.Dere, Ankara
Phone: (0312) 426-9146


Justice and Development Party 336
Republican People’s Party 101
Nationalist Movement Party 69
Peace and Democracy Party 20
Independent deputies 8
Democratic Left Party 6
Democrat Party 1
Turkey Party 1
Total 542